January 22, 2025

Why DDoS Is On The Top In Terms Of Cybersecurity Risk In 2021?

ddos attacks | TeQBlogs


The 21st century is hard to imagine without cybersecurity risks. The technology has evolved to such an extent that any new threat can emerge out of any technology.

At the present time, one such cybersecurity risk is DDoS, which has turned out to be one of the nightmares of various businesses. Though technology has evolved to provide protection, it gives rise to the problem first.

Understand DDoS Attacks

It means distributed denial of service and has turned out to be one of the most common tactics for hackers to harm people. You can understand it in the following points:

  • It floods a network with a large amount of traffic at once.
  • It is enabled with the help of compromised computers called the botnet.
  • It can confuse the victim because it is a part of a botnet.
  • You can be a victim if your antivirus is not updated. Your computer can get infected by malware.
  • Through malware, hackers get control over your files and important folders. Then, users like you lose access to data.
  • The infected device works as usual and the victim loses the charge.
  • Such attacks lead to crashes ultimately.
  • The server gets crashed due to a lot of traffic that occurs due to lots of requests sent by the victim and hackers.

What Is The Aim Of Hackers Behind This Attack?

If you are not aware of the intentions of criminals, then we would like to enhance your knowledge by informing various benefits that hackers usually get.

Though there is no particular reason and the hacker itself knows this. Here we are going to cover some possible reasons.

1. Financial gain

Hackers often commit this attack and target corporations knowing that they will get a lot of financial gains. After bringing their servers down, these companies get a message for ransom.

The hackers keep the server under their control until they receive a specific amount and after the payment, everything goes back to normal.

2. Ideology

Some hackers may try to commit this attack due to rifts with political parties and the government. Even some rebellious groups may use hackers to protest against the dominant government.

The DDoS attack is usually committed in this type of warfare.

3. Gathering information

If a company handles a large amount of information, then hackers may try to attack that company in order to get that huge data.

Everyone gets busy solving the problem and hackers utilize the chance to extract all the data. They discover the information that they need.

The most experienced and professional hackers leave minimal traces behind.

Why Is This Attack Ruinous For Businesses?

The attacks are mainly committed to cause harm to businesses. Whether the business is small or large, all experience similar challenges and losses. The difference is only in the amount of loss.

  • Imagine your server goes down due to the hacker and it gives your back after some time.
  • Meanwhile, new customers that were trying to get in touch with your website were viewing a non-functional website.
  • This means you lost thousands of new customers.
  • The longer a server remains down, the situation gets worse.
  • Lastly, you will end up hiring a team to get you out of this problem, which will not come free of cost.
  • Also, the hacker might ask you to pay some ransom and you will be more willing to pay.

Did you know what will be the most affected part? It will be a reputation because if your clients find that you have been hacked, they may not trust you for their personal information.

No matter how loyal they were to you in the past, they might think to leave your company and prefer some other one.

Protect Yourself Against DDoS Attack

The best way to stay protected from DDoS attacks is to put in place some preventive measures.

This means the following:

  • You will need a firewall.
  • You will need antivirus software.
  • Also, you will need a special IT team, which can monitor your servers.

The above things will cost you more than other things, you will be glad in the end and have mental peace that you have all the protection at your place.

Wrapping Up

DDoS attacks are surely not a child’s play and have turned out to be one of the biggest threats to businesses in 2021. This threat is expected to get more powerful as we will increase our dependency on the digital world.

If you don’t want to make yourself one of the victims of this attack, better start looking for protection today. Having protection is the only way to keep this attack away from your business.

Safety will make sure that nothing acts as a hurdle in the way of your success.

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