February 28, 2025

How To Build Your Own NAS From An Old PC?

How To Build Your Own NAS From An Old PC | Teqblogs


Using NAS is a good option and one of the reliable ways to store data in the external device. Instead of creating a NAS from a router or an external storage device, self-construction of it is a better option.

This approach comprises of both working with hardware and software. Let us begin with the particulars about it in detail.

Pros of Building Own NAS

Here are a few benefits:

pros of building your own NAS

Plenty of storage

The biggest advantage that you get when you build your own NAS is storage. You can add many external drives with all the ports available on the motherboard.

After this, you will get more storage space as compared to an external drive and a simple router.

Better performance at a low price

You must be aware that older processors, motherboards, and other things are a vital component of NAS, which makes NAS much cheaper than other options.

Such inexpensive components can help you to build your NAS at a cheaper cost with more storage space. But one always has an option to go for more expensive elements as well.


You can use both hardware and software and modify them according to your requirements. The modifications can be made according to as many drives as you want.

You can also decide how your NAS interacts with other networks with what it will do for you.

What Do You Need To Build Your NAS?

You will need the following things to build NAS:

A motherboard

What do you need to build your own NAS | motherboard

It is one of the essential components for creating NAS so; you need to find one that can work with the best and maximum potential for you.

We would recommend choosing a motherboard with at least 6 SATA ports.


It does not need to be of the latest model, and you can save money using a previous generation model.


Here also, you need not think about the top-most range of RAM. You can think of purchasing 1GB of RAM for every TB of raw storage space.

Extra stuff

There are a few extra things that you need to have while building NAS. It includes a power supply and a few extra SATA cables.

Operating cables

operating cables | Teqblogs

Several operating programs can be used, such as Amahi, FReeNAS, and many more. All of them are ideal for building NAS and are being used by users for several years.


You can build your NAS from an old PC, and it will prove to be a great option for you. You need not purchase the advanced and high-tech equipment; old ones will do good for you.

So you can get the best after building your own NAS at an affordable price. The above particulars will guide you in that direction.

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