Why And How Can You Create An Accessible App?
When it comes to the development of mobile apps, many UX designers and developers turn their backs on the significance of accessibility. Usually, apps are equipped with some disability.
On the other hand, some teams look at the aspect of accessibility as a crucial one. When you will make an app with a point of accessibility, it will eventually help you to improve the experience of the user and maximize profit.
The Significance Of Accessibility
It is a familiar fact that almost 15% of the population of the world has some kind of disability and impairment. Also, mobile apps are turning out to play a big role for all.
- It is just a misconception that accessibility is optional in the field of mobile app development.
- Both the apps of mobile named Android and ios offer accessibility tools to their developers for aiding them in the creation of an accessible user experience for all the users.
- The reason for overlooking this thing is that both the mobile platforms named Android and ios have an ecosystem, which is evolving and this means they are working on new accessibility features.
- Many accessibility features are with the developers who are still working on them.
- Even some developers don’t have enough experience in working on the aspect of accessibility.
Know About Accessibility
The words describe the way in which products are designed for being fully accessible for users that have a disability.
Those users who are coping with some sort of visual impairment experience difficulty in using the mobile application, which is not adapted for them.
- Disabilities such as color blindness, vision loss, or complete blindness are three major impairments.
No matter whether the user has hearing problems or has major hearing problems, there is always a way for embracing a good experience for users.
For them, video and sound clips can be enhanced in association with optional transcriptions.
People who are equipped with physical motor limitations may experience a problem while navigating a mobile application.
- Tapping and some gestures are required to be configured so that users are not bound to a specific gesture.
- Android and ios offer the ability to configure shortcuts for frequently used phrases.
Another point that makes accessibility a considerable aspect is literacy.
- To those who are not literate or are partially literate, apps can serve by offering short and simple sentences.
- Sentences can be supported by clear and culturally recognizable iconography.
- Voice feedback can also be offered for support.
Best Practices
Now, when you are available with different hurdles that make accessibility a crucial point. It is important to go through practices as well.
One of the significant aspects is consistency. It is a major UX guideline and it pays dividends for users with a disability.
Try to offer not only a consistent experience across screens but also across the interface.
The buttons and URLs must not be inlined with the content of your screen. Rather, actions must be clearly marked as an action, separate from the text. Change in the style of the text can also clarify these actions.
- An extra emphasis is required when we talk about navigation.
- Blind users can understand a layout of an app in the right manner when mobile applications meet either the material design guidelines or human interface guidelines.
- The last guideline is to warn users whenever a navigational action goes beyond the environment of the app.
The style of the font also matters. Fancy content may be appealing for some and others may not be happy with it. You need to be highly cautious about using cursive fonts.
- It gets disappointing when images are used in a decorative way. For such images, it is better to provide content descriptions. The description must tell what’s happening in the image.
- Also, the description should not repeat, which is already in the surrounding because repeated words can create confusion.
All software products are required to get tested before deployment to production.
- The tester can check the implementation of accessibility tools.
- For making sure that people with disabilities will get a good user experience, you can have a beta group of people with impairments.
- You can get help from colleges and universities to find good testers.
While developing an app, if you have the aspect of accessibility in your mind, then you can successfully provide a better experience to users.
It is equipped with an array of potential financial, legal, and moral benefits. Both Android and ios are constantly trying to come up with various tools that can offer accessibility solutions in their app.
In terms of legality, there is no reason due to which you need to ignore the concept of accessibility.
You must learn that it is not just a feature, a must for every application.