January 9, 2025

Windows 10 Major Bug Slipped into Public Builds, Caused Stability Issues

Windows 10 Major Bug

Windows 10 Major Bug


Microsoft is dreaming of ruling the business and IT world, as well as game-streaming and subscription. The revenue rates are so high that they can barely keep a record of it.

But soon all that is going to be affected badly because of poisonous little bugs that are trying to overshadow their reputation. It will be interesting to see the steps taken by Microsoft in this matter.

What’s Going On?

Recently, Windows 10 has been adversely affected by an alarming number of bugs. It started with an update in October 2018, when deletion of faux pas caused the update on hold for over a month.

For the test that was to be conducted in May 2019, Microsoft was very careful to bring the test to the final stage and squash the bugs for a considerable time. The users flocked to the update, and the rollout went well.

It was afflicted by some minor hiccups. While solving those issues, Microsoft got stuck in September.

Fixing the Issue

At the beginning of September, the long-standing bugs were fixed by a patch of Microsoft-issued Windows 10 in May 2019 update. Another problem posed by the update was that it not only fixed Windows 10 Major Bug but introduced a new one.

On the other hand, Cortana detected suddenly high levels of CPU usage. The patch that fixed Cortana brought something new- the start menu and taskbar.

The issue caused audio issues in certain games and brought issues in internet connectivity. Windows 10 was brought in the ground to solve one issue; it led to the emergence of other faults.

Up till now, the whole situation has become a blunder, and Microsoft has been unable to untangle the matter. Because of all the above issues, the world has raised its eyebrows and questioning QA and testing procedures.

Other than the internal damage to the operating system, it has been going through a major effect on its reputation. The public is questing its mitigation strategies.

The new reports are said to claim that there has been a drop in the rate of customer satisfaction since the arrival of the issue. The conception of quality has also been affected a lot.

So as per the current status, Microsoft is losing the trust of the people with reducing customer satisfaction.


He is an ex-Microsoft senior software development engineer in testing who had parted ways with the company has explained in a YouTube Create video about the changes in the testing procedures.

In a nutshell, there was a team of specialized professionals that have been dedicated to the issue. They had been further divided into sub-groups with continuous meetings to discuss glitches.

In 2014, everything changes when Microsoft stopped testing on the real world of PC. Catching bugs is another issue they need to tackle with specialization.

There are reports about the change in the internal process of Microsoft, and the battle with bugs is going on.

Concluding words

All in all, it has been seen that Microsoft has missed the point, which is affecting its reputation and customer satisfaction.

It seems that Microsoft is facing issues in a linear movement, and it will be interesting to know what’s more is there to be seen. Customers are waiting for the solution to Windows 10 Major Bug.

The reputation has been affected, and now, the customers and IT world want to see how Microsoft is going to tackle it.

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